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Upcoming URAC Webinar: Exchange Health Plan Management Functions - Sept 25th 2:00-3:00pm EDT

Martedì Set 25, 2012 02:00 pm EDT

  Exchange Health Plan Management Functions: URAC Accreditation & Quality MeasuresTuesday, September 25, 2012 (2pm - 3pm US/Eastern)Webinar - Complimentary FOCUSIn this complimentary webinar, URAC will present an overview of its accreditation process and quality measures as they relate to Qualified Health Plans that participate on Health Insurance Exchanges, including how URAC information may be utilized by state insurance regulators and state exchanges.SUMMARYHealth Plan Management includes functions for verifying accreditation and quality measures for Qualified Health Plans. These functions may likely become the responsibility of state insurance departments once exchanges are established. As one of the two leading national accreditors for health plans, URAC stands ready to accredit plans that participate on Health Insurance Exchanges and collect quality data.This URAC presentation will address URAC's Health Plan accreditation and quality measures and also help state regulators better understand how the accreditation process currently works and how URAC might share the information they need to assess the quality aspects of Health Plan Management. Highlights will include: • URAC Overview: History, Governance & Resources• Introduction to Accreditation & its Contribution to Exchanges• The URAC Standards Development & Measures Selection Processes• The URAC Accreditation Process, Timelines & Tools• Provisional Accreditation Readiness for Exchanges

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