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Building Partnerships with Patients in Adoption of Choosing Wisely Tools

Venerdì Apr 20, 2018 12:00 pm to 01:00 pm EDT
Stati Uniti

Hosted by the PCPCC Support & Alignment Network, this webinar will:

1. Explore Choosing Wisely as a strategy for improving care and enhancing patient and family engagement.
2. Learn how implementation of Choosing Wisely effectively engages patients at the point of care and increases shared decision making. 

3. Discover how involving patient and family advisors positively impacts implementation of Choosing Wisely tools into your practice. 

Guest Speakers:
Mary Minniti, Institute for Patient and Family Centered Care
Kelly Rand, American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation
Kelly Slate-Vitcavage, Maine Quality Counts

* This webinar will address the following TCPI requirements:
PFE Metrics: Shared Decision-Making, Patient Activation
TCPI Change Tactics: 1.1 Patient and family engagement, 1.2 Team-based relationships, 1.5 Coordinated care delivery, 1.6 Organized, evidence-based care
PAT Milestones: 2,3,4,5,9,18

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