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New Jersey

In September, 2010 a state law (NJ P.L. 2010, Chapter 74) was passed directing Medicaid to establish a three-year pilot demonstration for medical homes focusing on the frail elderly and those with chronic diseases. In response to the legislation, the Department of Human Services, Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS) entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the four Medicaid contracted managed care organizations (MCOs) in NJ to participate in a pilot to enhance or create infrastructure, within their networks, for medical home services. Three of these MCOs are also participating in the statewide Comprehensive Primary Care (CPC) initiative in New Jersey.

New Jersey has two publicly funded Behavioral Health Home programs and a privately funded primary care/behavioral health care project. New Jersey is currently working on the development of a Medicaid Health Homes program based on the experiences with these programs that will focus on individuals with behavioral health care needs. 

Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$10.6 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

New Jersey Medicaid Medical Home Demonstration Project - Medicaid Managed Care

In September, 2010 a state law (NJ P.L. 2010, Chapter 74) was passed directing Medicaid to establish a three-year pilot demonstration for medical homes focusing on the frail elderly and those with chronic diseases.  In response to the legislation, the Department of Human Services, Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services (DMAHS) wrote a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) requesting that the four Medicaid contracted managed care organizations (MCOs) in NJ participate in a pilot to enhance or create infrastructure, within their networks, for medical home services.

New Jersey Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative

New Jersey was selected to participate in a federal pilot that aims to transform primary care practices into patient-centered medical homes that cut costs and enhance care by eliminating duplicative and unnecessary treatments.

Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey’s Patient-Centered Medical Home Program

Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey is transforming and improving New Jersey’s health care delivery system by collaborating and developing solutions to create a health care system marked by high-quality care, a better patient experience and improved affordability.

Cigna Collaborative Accountable Care - Summit Medical Group

The joint program benefits approximately 10,000 individuals covered by a Cigna health plan who receive care from more than 300 Summit Medical Group providers. 

Cigna Collaborative Accountable Care - Hunterdon Healthcare Partners

Under the program, Hunterdon Healthcare Partners monitors and coordinates all aspects of an individual's medical care. Patients continue to go to their current physician and automatically receive the benefits of the program. Individuals who are enrolled in a Cigna health plan and later choose to seek care from a doctor in the medical group will also have access to the benefits of the program. There are no changes in any plan requirements regarding referrals to specialists.

Cigna Collaborative Accountable Care - Atlantic Accountable Care Organization

Under the program, Atlantic ACO monitors and coordinates all aspects of an individual’s medical care. Patients continue to go to their current physician and automatically receive the benefits of the program. Individuals who are enrolled in a Cigna health plan and later choose to seek care from a doctor in the medical group will also have access to the benefits of the program. There are no changes in any plan requirements regarding referrals to specialists.

Cigna Collaborative Accountable Care - Partners in Care

The participating physician practices will monitor and coordinate all aspects of an individual's medical care. Patients will continue to go to their current physician and will not need to do anything to receive the benefits of the program. There also are no changes in any plan requirements regarding referrals to specialists. Patients most likely to see the immediate benefits of the program are those who need help managing chronic conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease.  

Cooper University Care Management Teams

Cooper University Hospital in collaboration with the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers, serving Camden, New Jersey, and adjoining areas, is receiving an award to better serve approximately 600 patients with complex medical needs who have relied on emergency rooms and hospital admissions for care. The intervention will use care management and nurse led interdisciplinary outreach care teams to work with enrolled participants to reduce avoidable emergency room visits, inpatient hospital admissions, and hospital readmissions and improve their access to primary health care.

Developmental Disabilities Health Services Health Home Model

Developmental Disabilities Health Services is receiving an award to test a developmental disabilities health home model, using care management/primary care teams of nurse practitioners and MDs to improve the health and care of persons with developmental disabilities in important clinical areas.

Aligning Forces for Quality

[ENDED IN 2015] Each of the Aligning Forces 4 Quality (AF4Q) communities has built its initiative around a core, multi-stakeholder leadership alliance working to advance the goals and activities of AF4Q at the local level. These alliances include participation from physicians, nurses, patients, consumers and consumer groups, purchasers, hospitals, health plans, safety-net providers and others. Improving the quality of ambulatory care has been an area of focus for Aligning Forces for Quality since its inception.


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