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Minnesota is currently involved in both state and federal health reform efforts, nearly all of which are built upon a strong foundation of patient-centered medical home. The development of health care homes in Minnesota is part of the ground-breaking health reform legislation passed in May 2008. The legislation includes payment to primary care providers for partnering with patients and families to provide coordination of care in certified health care homes. In addition, the 2010 Legislature mandated that the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) develop and implement a demonstration testing alternative and innovative health care delivery systems, including accountable care organizations, in the state's Medicaid program. The Integrated Health Partnerships (IHP) demonstration, formerly the Health Care Delivery Systems (HCDS) demonstration, aims to deliver higher quality and lower costs through innovative approaches to care and payment. 

In 2010 Minnesota also established state certification criteria for health care homes and evaluating outcomes. The Health Care Homes program became a multi-payer program with 10 participating commercial payers in addition to Medicaid. Led by the Minnesota Department of Health, all health reform activities and programs are connected to the Health Care Homes program including their Multi-payer Advanced Primary Care Practice (MAPCP) program, the Minnesota eHealth Initiative, and their State Innovation Model grant. The state of Minnesota was also awarded a CMS planning grant for the development of a 2703 health home program. The MAPCP demonstration in Minnesota concluded in December 2014, but was extended through 2016 in six other states. 

Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$8.9 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota offers a “shared incentive” payment model with four of Minnesota’s largest care systems. The model is “designed to make healthcare more affordable and to improve the health status and quality of care delivered to the Blues plan’s members,” the plan says. The approach “is designed to create a longer-term, collaborative partnership approach where hospitals and clinics are rewarded for providing care that improves quality and utilizes resources effectively.

Fairview Health Systems - CMS Pioneer ACO

The Pioneer Accountable Care Organization (ACO) program is designed to improve clinical quality and patient experience while reducing the total cost of care for Medicare beneficiaries. Based in Minneapolis, Fairview Health Services is a non-profit health care system providing the full continuum of clinical care—from prevention of illness and injury to care for the most complex medical conditions.

Allina Health - CMS Pioneer ACO

Allina provides health care for approximately one third of the population living in Minnesota and western Wisconsin. The Pioneer model of accountable care aligns payment with quality and value, rather than paying solely for the volume of services. This CMS program is for health care systems across the country that are the most integrated and that are ready to accept accountability for the well-being of the communities they serve. The key to this work is increasing quality, improving the patient experience, and lowering the cost of care.

Medicaid Incentives for the Prevention of Diabetes

The primary prevention goal of the Minnesota Medicaid Incentives for Prevention of Diabetes targets weight loss as the gateway to long-term reductions in diabetes, improved cardiovascular health, and reduced health care expenditures. Working with the state health department and the local and national YMCAs, the state Medicaid program will enroll Medicaid beneficiaries between the ages of 18 and 75 who live in the Twin Cities metro area, and who have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes or who have a significant risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Building a Health-Care Home

One patient, many providers— and a fresh approach to bringing it all together

The dentist eyes her patient’s red, spongy gums. she knows he was diagnosed some years ago with Type 2 diabetes, and now the condition of his mouth tells her that his blood-glucose levels are likely not as well-controlled as they should be.

News Author: 
Helene Ragovin

CMS State Innovation Model (SIM) Test Award - Minnesota

Minnesota received $45 million to implement and test its State Health Care Innovation Plan, which builds on the state's Health Care Homes program and Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations. The Minnesota Accountable Health Model will ensure that every citizen of the state of Minnesota has the option to receive team-based, coordinated, patient-centered care that increases and facilitates access to medical care, behavioral health care, long term care, and other services. To better integrate care and services for the whole person across the continuum of care (including health care, mental hea

CMS Health Care Innovation Award - The Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI)

The Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement (ICSI) of Bloomington, Minnesota is receiving an award to improve care delivery and outcomes for high-risk adult patients with Medicare or Medicaid coverage who have depression plus diabetes or cardiovascular disease. The program will use care managers and health care teams to assess condition severity, monitor care through a computerized registry, provide relapse and exacerbation prevention, intensify or change treatment as warranted, and transition beneficiaries to self-management.

CMS Health Care Innovation Award - Courage Center

Courage Center is receiving an award to test a community-based medical home model to serve 300 adults with disabilities and complex health conditions, particularly complex neurological conditions, in Minneapolis - St. Paul metropolitan area. The intervention will coordinate and improve access to primary and specialty care, increase adherence to care, and empower participants to better manage their own health. Over 50 Independent Living Skills Specialists, Peer Leaders, and other health professionals will be trained with enhanced skills to fulfill the medical home mission.


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