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Minnesota is currently involved in both state and federal health reform efforts, nearly all of which are built upon a strong foundation of patient-centered medical home. The development of health care homes in Minnesota is part of the ground-breaking health reform legislation passed in May 2008. The legislation includes payment to primary care providers for partnering with patients and families to provide coordination of care in certified health care homes. In addition, the 2010 Legislature mandated that the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) develop and implement a demonstration testing alternative and innovative health care delivery systems, including accountable care organizations, in the state's Medicaid program. The Integrated Health Partnerships (IHP) demonstration, formerly the Health Care Delivery Systems (HCDS) demonstration, aims to deliver higher quality and lower costs through innovative approaches to care and payment. 

In 2010 Minnesota also established state certification criteria for health care homes and evaluating outcomes. The Health Care Homes program became a multi-payer program with 10 participating commercial payers in addition to Medicaid. Led by the Minnesota Department of Health, all health reform activities and programs are connected to the Health Care Homes program including their Multi-payer Advanced Primary Care Practice (MAPCP) program, the Minnesota eHealth Initiative, and their State Innovation Model grant. The state of Minnesota was also awarded a CMS planning grant for the development of a 2703 health home program. The MAPCP demonstration in Minnesota concluded in December 2014, but was extended through 2016 in six other states. 

Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$8.9 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

Transforming Health Care: Creative Thinking for Serious People

2014-06-25 08:30 to 2014-06-26 16:30

A 2-day seminar by Paul Plsek

About the seminar:

Transformation requires creative thinking. While the need to transform healthcare delivery is pressing, most of what we see in practice is incremental variations on the same themes.  For example, we strive to improve patient experience or reduce waiting times, but maintain the decades-old mental models of, "You come to see us" and "this is the sequence of events that must occur."  We need better ideas that challenge these underlying models.

Announcement Type: 

Innovations in Comprehensive, Team-based Medication Management: Lessons from Minnesota

2014-05-22 13:00 to 14:00

Medications are involved in 80 percent of all treatments and impact every aspect of a patient's life. Drug therapy problems occur every day and represent a public health challenge that add substantial costs to the health care system. In recent years, Minnesota has established exemplary practices that incorporate medication management and has seen improvements in outcomes of care and reduced costs. Join us for an overview and a look at lessons learned from Minnesota's experience using comprehensive team-based medication management to delivery efficient and effective care. 

Announcement Type: 

State Innovations: Updates from the Minnesota Health Care Home Initiative

2014-04-17 11:00 to 12:00

A leader in care quality improvement and cost reduction, Minnesota's Health Care Home (HCH) initiative, which includes 322 certified Health Care Homes, has lowered costs for Medicaid enrollees by more than 9% since the program began in 2010. The Director of Minnesota's Health Care Home initiative, joins us to provide an overview of Minnesota's innovative program and the lead evaluator of Minnesota's Health Care Home initiative, will review key findings of the 2014 Health Care Home Evaluation Report to the Minnesota State Legislature. 

Announcement Type: 

Minnesota Health Care Homes (HCH)

Minnesota's health care homes, also known nationally as medical homes, are an important component of Minnesota's comprehensive, nation-leading 2008 health reform law. The goal of health care homes is to transform primary care; patients and families are at the center of their care, and the right care is provided at the right time, in the right place.  Minnesota's Department of Health (MDH) and Department of Human Services (DHS) are collaborating to support clinics and clinicians in creating health care homes in the state.

Minnesota's 'health care homes' aim to fill gaps in support for late-in-life patients

As the giant boomer cohort of Americans begins to reach senior status, neither individuals nor the disparate components of the U.S. medical system have fully prepared for a new reality: People can expect to live far longer than their forebears. And as they age, patients frequently will need years of coordinated care and support services before they enter the end stage of life. Yet disproportionate amounts of spending go for desperate treatments at the very end.

News Author: 
Sharon Schmickle

Accountable Care as a Strategy for Achieving Population Health Goals

2014-03-12 15:00 to 16:30

As states seek to improve quality of care and health outcomes while reducing costs, many have turned to accountable care models. One key aspect of accountable care models is that organizations or structures assume responsibility for the care and outcomes of a defined population across a continuum of care and across different parts of the health system. These models generally hold providers accountable through payments linked to value and performance measurement.

Announcement Type: 

Studies offer close-up look at medical home model

The difficulty in precisely measuring the benefits of the patient-centered medical home model comes across in two new studies offering seemingly contradictory insights on the concept.

News Author: 
Andis Robeznieks


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