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PTN - Local Initiative Health Authority of Los Angeles County (L.A. Care)

Program Location: 
Los Angeles, CA
Payer Type: 
Partner Organizations: 
Adventist Health
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County
Health Services Los Angeles County
Citrus Valley Health Partners
L.A. Care Health Plan

The L.A. Practice Transformation Network award targets up to 3,100 clinicians, serving 36,954 patients in L.A. County, with over 90% participating clinicians serving the Medi-Cal population and the uninsured population. There is a focus on both chronic conditions effecting L.A. County underserved population and on practices and practices’ patients independent of payer. The L.A. Practice Transformation Network will have a phased approach with most interested practices first, approaches tailored to unique needs of practices, on-the-ground coaches work directly with providers and staff, and use of L.A. Care technology to enable change.

Last updated April 2019
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