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Patient Engagement and Patient Activation: A Conversation with the Experts

2013-02-28 11:00 - 12:00

On Thursday, February 28th the PCPCC hosted its Monthly National Briefing, which featured two authors from the recent issue of Health Affairs "A New Era of Patient Engagement, " emphasizing the critical role that patients play in achieving true health system transformation. The discussion included two presentations from:

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Advanced Topics: Mastering NCQA’s Medical Home Recognition

2013-03-14 08:00 - 17:00

With an overwhelming response to NCQA’s Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition program, many are eager to learn more about its requirements and apply its criteria to improve quality. This advanced seminar examines the PCMH 2011 Standards further. We will review the challenging standards, identify acceptable documentation for the elements and learn how these standards directly link to improved patient outcomes. Identify the meaningful use (MU) criteria and how practices can receive credit for their MU achievements through the PCMH 2011 Standards.

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NCQA Webinar: Facilitating Multi-Site Survey Documentation: A Session with the Experts

2013-02-27 14:00

Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2-3:30 PM ET.  Learn how to analyze your organization’s processes and prepare your corporate tool. Get tips on how to select appropriate documentation demonstrating common procedural practices across all sites. Identify what to expect during a multi-site review.    Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:  Determine eligibility for a multi-site applicant.  Ascertain which elements documentation is required from all sites.  Submit and manage documentation for a multi-site applicant.

OLD SITE Topic Do Not USE: 
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PCPCC Webinar: Accountability in the Medical Neighborhood: Perspectives from Employers and Providers

2013-01-30 13:00

Sponsored by PCPCC's Stakeholder Center for Employer & Purchaser Engagement, this webinar will explore the relationship between specialists and primary care physicians in an accountable, coordinated care environment, including medical homes and Accountable Care Organizations (ACO).

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