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Behavioral Health Group: Conference Call

2014-02-19 12:00 - 13:00

The PCPCC hosts a monthly conference call (open to the public) for its Special Interest Group (SIG) on Behavioral Health to discuss the latest news, activities, and upcoming learning opportunities and initiatives related to the topic of behavioral health. 

Call Details

Date: Third Wednesday of every month
Time: Noon - 1:00pm ET
Dial in: (712) 432-0900
Access Code: 868853#

Announcement Type: 

eHealth Group: Conference Call

2014-02-04 12:00 - 13:00

This monthly call is reserved for the e-Health Special Interest Group to discuss the latest news, activities, and upcoming learning opportunities and initiatives related to the topic of Health Information Technology. 

Call Details

Date: First Tuesday of every month
Time: Noon - 1:00pm ET
Dial in: (712) 432-0900
Access Code: 868853#

Announcement Type: 

Technical Assistance Task Force Kick Off Call

2014-01-31 14:00 - 15:00

Thank you for your interest in joining the PCPCC's Technical Assistance Task Force Kickoff Call on Friday, January 31st  from 2:00 - 3:00 PM. The call will be led by Task Force Co-Chairs, Roger Chaufournier of CSI Solutions and Peter Cucchiara, Primary Care Development Corporation.

Date: Friday, January 31, 2014
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EST
Via conference call: dial-in number: (712) 432-0900 Participant access code: 461729#

Announcement Type: 

Behavioral Health Group: Conference Call

2014-01-15 12:00 - 13:00

The PCPCC hosts a monthly conference call (open to the public) for its Special Interest Group (SIG) on Behavioral Health to discuss the latest news, activities, and upcoming learning opportunities and initiatives related to the topic of behavioral health. 

Announcement Type: 

PCPCC Cancer Care Webinar Series: Working with Care Teams After Diagnosis

2013-12-05 12:00 - 13:00

The PCPCC, in partnership with the American Cancer Society will be launching a three part webinar series in December 2013 that focuses on how patient-centered medical home providers and practices can support patient health and caregiver support after a cancer diagnosis, during treatment, and post-treatment.

Announcement Type: 

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

2014-06-24 16:00 - 17:00

Mark your calendar for this members-only briefing in June. More details to come!

Announcement Type: 

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

2014-04-29 16:00 - 17:00

Mark your calendar for this members-only briefing in April. More details to come!

Announcement Type: 

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

2014-03-25 16:00 - 17:00

Mark your calendar for this members-only briefing in March. More details to come!

Announcement Type: 

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

2014-02-25 16:00 - 17:00

Mark your calendar for this members-only briefing in February. More details to come!

Announcement Type: 

Executive Member Monthly Briefing

2014-01-28 16:00 - 17:00

Mark your calendar for this members-only briefing in January. More details to come!

Announcement Type: 


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