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March 2022 webinar: Roundtable on the Importance of Independent Primary Care Practices

Primary Care Collaborative

Thursday Mar 24, 2022 01:00 pm to 02:00 pm EDT
United States


In a period of dynamic change in the organization and ownership of primary care practices, is it important to ensure that independent practice models remain in the care-delivery ecosystem? The committee that authored the 2021 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report, Implementing High-Quality Primary Care, recognized a continued role for independent primary care practices. The committee recommended that primary care “[p]ayment should be adequate to support high-quality, independent primary care practices and flexible enough to support an emerging array of new delivery models.” This roundtable discussion among leading proponents, practitioners and partners of independent primary care will discuss the important characteristics of independent practices and promising strategies to sustain them.

This webinar is made possible with support from The Commonwealth Fund.

Cost: free
The webinar will be recorded and available on PCC's website within 24 hours following the conclusion of the webinar.

Related resources

White Paper
Supporting and Promoting High-Performing Physician-Owned Private Practices: Voices from the Front Lines
The American Medical Association and Mathematica, October 22, 2021
Diane Rittenhouse, Tiffany Olszuk, Margaret Gerteis, Jan Genevro, Katie Hancock, Evelyn Li, Lindsey Carlasare, Carol Vargo, and Kathleen Blake

On the website of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Profiles of Primary Care
More than 1,500 primary care practices have participated in EvidenceNOW. They serve diverse communities in a variety of urban, rural, and suburban settings across America. Even though these small clinics face challenges such as limited staff and resources, they have big goals of providing the best possible care to all of their patients. Get to know a few of the EvidenceNOW clinics.



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