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Using Learning Communities to Support Innovation Adoption

AHRQ Health Care Innovations Exchange

Thursday Aug 25, 2016 01:30 pm to 03:00 pm EDT
United States

Join the Health Care Innovations Exchange for a free Web event designed to share results and lessons from the Innovations Exchange’s Learning Communities initiative.

From 2014-2016, the Innovations Exchange sponsored three Learning Communities (LCs) to support innovation adoption in the following high-priority areas:

  1. Advancing the Practice of Patient- and Family-Centered Care in Hospitals (Florida);
  2. Reducing Non-Urgent Emergency Services (Detroit); and
  3. Promoting Medication Therapy Management for At-Risk Populations (Houston)

The event will present an overview of the activities and results of the three LCs; provide insights about factors that influenced innovation adoption and implementation; and share lessons learned in using LCs as a method to implement innovations to improve quality. A leader, or “champion,” from each LC will present highlights about the learning community experience.

This Web event is presented in collaboration with AcademyHealth.

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