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IMPaCTing Meaningful Improvements in Primary Care Practice

2014-05-05 12:00 to 13:30

Primary care extension programs improve the quality of primary care services by educating providers on new and innovative practices in areas such as preventive medicine, health promotion, and chronic disease management. Section 5405 of the Affordable Care Act authorizes the establishment of a national primary care extension program.

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Live MEDTALK: Treating Congestive Heart Failure and the Role of Payment Reform

2014-04-16 10:00 to 12:00

Our new “MEDTalk" events combine medicine, education and delivery reform, in a “TED-Talk” style format. The series will kick off on Wednesday, April 16th with a two-hour webcast. The event will include seven brief talks with experts discussing their experiences in improving care delivery, enhancing patient experience, and experimenting with new payment models for congestive heart failure patients.

We invite you to watch online, and to join the conversation on Twitter by sending any questions to@BrookingsMed, and by using the hashtag #MEDTalk.

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State Innovations: Updates from the Minnesota Health Care Home Initiative

2014-04-17 11:00 to 12:00

A leader in care quality improvement and cost reduction, Minnesota's Health Care Home (HCH) initiative, which includes 322 certified Health Care Homes, has lowered costs for Medicaid enrollees by more than 9% since the program began in 2010. The Director of Minnesota's Health Care Home initiative, joins us to provide an overview of Minnesota's innovative program and the lead evaluator of Minnesota's Health Care Home initiative, will review key findings of the 2014 Health Care Home Evaluation Report to the Minnesota State Legislature. 

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LIVE WEBCAST: The Future of U.S. Health Care Spending

2014-04-11 08:30 to 14:15

For several decades health spending in the United States rose much faster than other spending. Forecasters predicted the health sector, already 17% of GDP, would soon exceed 20 to 25% of GDP, driving out other necessary public and private spending. However, in recent years health spending growth dropped dramatically and surprisingly, to a record slow pace for the fourth straight year in 2012. It is not clear why this turn around occurred or how long it will last.

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Accountable Care as a Strategy for Achieving Population Health Goals

2014-03-12 15:00 to 16:30

As states seek to improve quality of care and health outcomes while reducing costs, many have turned to accountable care models. One key aspect of accountable care models is that organizations or structures assume responsibility for the care and outcomes of a defined population across a continuum of care and across different parts of the health system. These models generally hold providers accountable through payments linked to value and performance measurement.

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The intersection of e-patients and providers— Where’s the sweet spot?

2014-03-19 13:00 to 14:00

Healthcare providers are no longer the sole gatekeepers of health information. The e-patient has emerged—individuals empowered by technology to collaborate and be actively involved in their health. Through the lens of diabetes, our free webinar will discuss this paradigm shift, as well as provide resources and tools for engaging with e-patients.

Attendees will:

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Making the Business Case for Payment and Delivery Reform

2014-03-28 13:00 to 14:30

In order to support improvements in both health care delivery and payment systems, individuals and organizations that purchase health care services need a clear business case showing that proposed changes in care will achieve sufficient benefits to justify payment change. Health care providers also need a clear business case showing that they will be able to successfully deliver high-quality care in a financially sustainable way under the new payment system. During this free webinar, Harold D.

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To Align or Not to Align: State Options in Multi-Payer Medical Home Initiatives

2014-03-04 15:30 to 17:00

Currently, 19 states are participating in one or more multi-payer patient centered medical home initiatives (PCMH). As states develop new multi-payer PCMH initiatives, they will have to grapple with the question of how much, if any, alignment is necessary among key programmatic elements, including payment, qualification standards and evaluation measures. This webinar, supported by The Commonwealth Fund, will feature key stakeholders from New York, Michigan, and Nebraska who will share their unique approaches that span the alignment spectrum.


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Electronic health record functionality needed to better support primary care

2014-02-28 14:30 to 16:00

EHRs to Support Comprehensive, Coordinated Primary Care

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is hosting a webinar Friday, February 28 from 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. ET, on needed Electronic Health Record (EHR) functionality to support the delivery of primary care.  The expert panel will discuss the need for EHRs to move beyond documentation to interpreting and tracking information over time, supporting patient partnering activities, enabling team-based care, and allowing providers to use population-management tools to facilitate care delivery.

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Using Health IT To Improve Coordination for Patients With Complex Care Needs

2014-02-20 14:30 to 15:30

The Health IT program is hosting a free Webinar outlining the findings from recent research that advances knowledge about how health IT can impact outcomes for patients with multiple chronic conditions seen across a variety of settings.  Included will be a review of: 

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