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Mapping the Medical Home Movement

11:00AM EST, Monday, June 9th

Contact: Staci GoldbergBelle, 202-417-2076,

Mapping the Medical Home Movement: PCPCC Launches Map Highlighting Enhanced Primary Care Programs and Patient-Centered Medical Homes

Free online map houses program data on nearly 500 public and private advanced primary care initiatives

(Washington, DC) – June, 09, 2014 – Today the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) launched the Primary Care Innovations and Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Map, a new online resource that captures the extensive work and commitment of nearly 500 public and private initiatives nationwide that are working to improve the U.S. health care system through enhanced primary care and the PCMH.

The map identifies active programs and initiatives built on PCMH principles, including payment reform and quality improvement. It is unique in its breadth, depth and convenience, collecting information on medical home initiatives across multiple programs and commercial and public health plans.  Although this tool does not currently map individual medical home clinics, practices or centers, it allows users to identify where medical homes are becoming a standard of care in commercial and public sector health plans – useful for state and federal policymakers, researchers and educators, health professionals and other stakeholders.

"I am very impressed by the breadth of information included in this map," said Ted Epperly, MD, FAAFP, President and CEO of the Family Medicine Residency of Idaho. "By including Medicaid, Medicare and commercial plans that support PCMH programs, health professionals, advocates, and educators alike will gain a better understanding of PCMH activity happening across their State and the Nation.”

The map presents programs through three unique “views” including a state view, which provides a state snapshot of medical home activity; a national view, which displays the location and number of PCMH initiatives across the country; and a list view, which lists programs by selected criteria and allows users to search for programs by specific payer or program attribute.

"We are thrilled to provide this interactive and helpful resource to any and all health care stakeholders - from policymakers to clinicians, from health plans to patient and consumer advocates - who are interested in finding information on the medical home movement,” said Marci Nielsen, PhD, MPH, Chief Executive Officer of the PCPCC. “We want people to have the information they need to identify and better connect with organizations in their state and communities that are investing in primary care."

The map’s search functions can also benefit community-based organizations that seek to build relationships and develop partnerships with medical homes.

"The Y is the leading community-based network for improving the nation’s health, and with a presence in 10,000 communities this map will be a valuable resource for Ys across the country, enabling them to identify partnership opportunities with medical homes in their communities,” said Matt Longjohn, MD, MPH, YMCA of the USA’s National Health Officer.

PCPCC’s map is the first resource to highlight not only public payer and state medical home activity, but also medical home initiatives taking place in the private sector.

“Blue Cross and Blue Shield (BCBS) companies across the country are working to enhance the practice and delivery of primary care by implementing innovative care strategies including the patient-centered medical home," said Trent Haywood, MD, JD, Chief Medical Officer for the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association (BCBSA).

"The PCPCC map allows the public to access information about these value-based care programs in one convenient place."

Earlier this year, the PCPCC’s Annual Report, The Patient-Centered Medical Home’s Impact on Cost & Quality: An Annual Update of the Evidence, found that the PCMH model can reduce costs of care, unnecessary emergency department (ED) and hospital visits, and can increase the provision of preventive services and improvements in population health. The map includes outcomes from PCPCC’s Annual Report and from other publicly available resources including peer-reviewed articles and industry reports. 

"This map provides a unique illustration of the widespread impact medical homes have on cost and quality at the national, state, and local level, said Christopher F. Koller, President of the Milbank Memorial Fund. “Transformed primary care needs to be the cornerstone of every high performing medical delivery system and we are delighted to support the PCPCC's efforts to collect and share outcomes that are emerging from these efforts across the country. "

Access PCPCC’s Patient-Centered Medical Home Map here.

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