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eHealth Month Events: RAND's Art Kellerman l New Webinar l Group Kickoff


May is eHealth Month at the PCPCC!
Tuesday, May 7th

PCPCC eHealth Special Interest Group Kickoff Call
Time: Noon ET - 1:00 PM ET
(To join the group and the call, please e-mail
Join us for the official relaunch of PCPCC's eHealth Special Interest Group! The call will be led by group co-chairs: James M. Crawford, MD, PhD of 
North Shore-LIJ Health System; and Jeffrey Hanson, MPH, of Truven Health Analytics.

Thursday, May 16th

Meeting Patients Where They Are: A Medical Home Model for High-Risk, Elderly Patients
Time: 12PM - 1:30 PM ET
Registration: required; click here
This webinar will highlight a medical home model that uses advanced health IT to provide team-based primary care for over 3,000 high-risk, elderly patients in assisted living and group home facilities.

Thursday, May 30th

May National Briefing
Time: 11AM - Noon ET

(no registration required; add to calendar)
Dr. Art Kellermann of the RAND Corporation will discuss findings from his January 2013 Health Affairs article: What It Will Take to Achieve the As-Yet-Unfulfilled Promises of Health  IT.
Want to share your story? 
Submit your idea for a Monthly Briefing or webinar! We're looking for presentations that share best practices, innovations, and public policy knowledge regarding primary care, medical home, and health system transformation.

Submit your idea through our online form.
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