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NASHP Seeks Applications for Multi-Payer Medical Home Learning Collaborative - Deadline Oct 31st

Wednesday Oct 31, 2012 10:06 am EDT

NASHP Seeks Applications for Multi-Payer Medical Home Learning Collaborative; No Application Needed for States Chosen for State Innovation Model InitiativeDeadline: October 31A new NASHP learning collaborative supported by The Commonwealth Fund that will provide 18 months of individual and group technical assistance for up to four states seeking to implement a multi-payer medical home initiative. In addition to these four states, NASHP invites states selected for State Innovations Model (SIM) design awards to join in the group technical assistance portion of the learning collaborative. It is advised that prospective SIM design states build funding for travel to the two in-person meetings in their SIM application. All states interested should submit an application by Wednesday, October 31, 2012. 

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