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The first statewide PCMH program, the Delaware Patient Centered Medical Home Initiative, is a pilot set up by the Medical Society of Delaware and Highmark Delaware (expanding from 20 practices to 90 practices heading into its second year). In September of 2013, Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware (Highmark Delaware), MedNet (a subsidiary of the Medical Society of Delaware), and the four Physician Organizations (POs) in Delaware signed a Letter of Intent to establish an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) in Delaware.

Although there is no formal Medicaid PCMH program in the State, Delaware's Quaified Health Plan (QHP) requirements include that  "Issuers are required to participate in state quality improvement workgroups intended to standardize QHP quality improvement strategies, activities, metrics and operations, including payment structures to improve health outcomes, medical home models and technology and data analytics to support coordination and improved quality and outcomes."

Delaware's State Implementation grant to Improve Services to Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) is supporting the development of medical homes for CYSHCN.


Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$1.6 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

For Delaware's primary care doctors, exciting times are ahead

Despite spending more per capita on health care than all but two states and ranking 30th in America’s Health Rankings, Delaware only spends 3 to 4 percent on primary care services — half the national average. States such as Oregon and Rhode Island have shown that increasing primary care spending to 10 to 12 percent or more improves health outcomes and decreases overall health care spending.

Since many other practice transformation measures hang in the balance, I would hope the Collaborative considers primary care spending its top priority.  

News Author: 
Adrian Wilson

Delaware Senate Bill 199

This legislation ensures adequate spending in primary care. First, by setting Medicare rates as a baseline for primary care reimbursement. This is a short term fix to stem additional primary care failure and consolidation in Delaware. It also requires that over a period of years that the overall spend of plans into primary care increase gradually to reach the 12% investment mark, but without increasing the total spend so that premiums rise as a result of this reallocation. This legislation extends to individual, group, State employee, and public assistance plans.

Delaware Senate Bill 227- An Act to Amend Title 16, Title 18, and Title 29 of the Delaware Code Relating to Primary Care Services

This Act promotes the use of primary care by doing the following:

1. Creating a Primary Care Reform Collaborative under the Delaware Health Care Commission.

2. Requiring all health insurance providers to participate in the Delaware Health Care Claims Database.

Hoping To See Your Doctor Via Telemedicine? Here’s A Quick Guide.

Tucked into the federal budget law Congress passed in February was a provision that significantly expands the use of telemedicine — long a hyped health care reform, and now poised to go mainstream within five to 10 years.

“There’s much broader recognition of the benefits,” said Mei Wa Kwong, executive director of the Center for Connected Health Policy, a research group that promotes telemedicine in Sacramento, Calif. “The law is the latest to make telemedicine more accessible. But we still have a ways to go before most consumers are aware of the option.”

News Author: 
Steven Findlay

Care Manager Training

2018-03-20 09:00 to 2018-03-22 15:00

HealthTeamWorks provides tools and resources for all members of your health team to optimize outcomes on your journey from volume-to-value based care. For over ten years, HealthTeamWorks has supported organizations through training and workforce development delivered in a variety of modalities to fit budgets and time restraints. Here is our updated workforce development catalog with offerings in 4 locations across the country: Below are our upcoming trainings and overviews.

Announcement Type: 

New Highmark plan comes with member discounts

New Highmark health insurance plans offer member discounts for seeing doctors using a team approach in providing care.

News Author: 
Kris B. Mamula

Delaware Medical Home Pilot

Delaware's first state-wide patient centered medical home pilot is a multi-stakeholder initiative designed and launched through a partnership between the Medical Society of Delaware and Highmark Delaware. The Initiative is comprised of a multi-stakeholder leadership team, a physician advisory committee of statewide physician leaders and officials from each of the primary care specialty societies, and a management work group.

CMS State Innovation Model (SIM) Testing Award - Delaware

Delaware is using its $35 million State Innovation Model (SIM) Testing Award to transform its health care system with ambitious goals for improving health care for Delawareans and improving the sustainability of the health care system.

Nemours Alfred I. Dupont Hospital for Children

Nemours Alfred I. Dupont Hospital for Children received a $3.6 million CMS grant for a multi-year Health Care Innovation Award that will be used to enhance family-centered health homes by adding services for children with asthma and developing a population health initiative in the neighborhoods surrounding targeted primary care practices.


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