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Care Delivery & Integration

Upcoming URAC Events

2012-08-08 17:28

WebinarsURAC offers an array of health care industry and related medical home topics provided by subject matter experts to individuals and organizations using enhanced technology to bring the presentation to your desktop or office conference room.

Announcement Type: 

CDPHP set to double size of medical home program

CDPHP is adding 70 Albany, New York-area primary care practices to its patient-centered medical home initiative, essentially doubling the size of the program.

The Albany-based health insurer started the program, which it calls its “enhanced primary care” initiative, in 2008 with three area practices. After two expansions, the program now includes 76 practices with 386 clinicians, and about 100,000 CDPHP members.

News Author: 
Barbara Pinckney


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