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Change Agents in Action: Lessons Learned from Leading Primary Care Practice Facilitation Programs


Giovedì Giu 6, 2013 12:00 pm to 01:30 pm EDT
Stati Uniti

This webinar, sponsored by PCPCC's Outcomes & Evaluation Stakeholder Center, will focus on "Lessons Learned from Leading Primary Care Practice Facilitation Programs" and feature leading experts in primary care facilitation: David Meyers, MD, Director, Center for Primary Care, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Ann Lefebvre MSW, CPHQ, Associate Director, North Carolina Area Health Education Centers Program; and Jenney Samuelson MS, MCHES, Assistant Director, Vermont Blueprint for Health, Department of Vermont Health Access.

Practice facilitation (PF) or coaching is a promising way to support primary care practices in their ongoing efforts to become patient centered medical homes.  PF services are delivered by trained individuals or teams using a range of quality improvement (QI) approaches.  These services are designed to build the internal capacity of practices so that they can achieve both practice transformation and ongoing QI goals. This session will kick off with an overview of AHRQ’s Developing and Running a Primary Care Practice Facilitation Program: A How-To Guide   and then follow with practical lessons learned from innovators in field.  The webinar will include special guests from leading PF programs from North Carolina and Vermont to ensure everyone gets the full picture. While open to everyone with an interest in primary care revitalization, the webinar may be especially valuable to organizations considering how to catalyze practice change across communities, regions, or states.

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