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Beyond Analytics: Infrastructure to Support Population Health Management


Mercoledì Maggio 8, 2013 01:00 pm to 02:00 pm EDT

Join these dynamic speakers, as they take you through Jackson Health Network’s journey to population health. Driven by its commitment to health improvement, JHN is transforming itself into a model Clinically Integrated Network (CIN) demonstrating ongoing improved quality, population health, patient experience and efficiency.


Wynn Hazen, Chief Operating Officer, Jackson Health Network
Ray King, MD, President,& CMO, Allegiance Health
Kim Hinkle, RN, BSN, Quality Improvement Director, Center for Family Health

Learn how the health system:

  • Redefined itself as a Health Improvement Organization (HIO)
  • Implemented Population Health programs, including clinical analytics and registries
  • Built upon Jackson Community Record's success
  • Applied care management and workflow redesign that aligns with the Triple Aim
  • Discovered how engagement has been critical to reduce gaps in care
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