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Prioritizing Equity in Public Health Leadership Summit

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Mercoledì Apr 21, 2021 11:00 am to 05:00 pm EDT
Stati Uniti

This half-day virtual meeting is the culmination of a webinar series in March titled Leading Equity: Changing the Narrative Through Public Health Leadership. The webinar series shared perspectives on the national, organizational, and policy-level shifts needed to transform public health and advance health equity. The webinars featured keynote presentations from nationally recognized thought leaders, followed by breakout discussions led by state health equity and minority health leaders. The webinar series will help public health professionals reimagine what equity-driven leadership means for their public health agencies and the community. 

The summit, hosted in partnership with CDC’s Office of Minority Health and Health Equity and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will provide a forum for state and territorial health practitioners to learn about emergent public health issues and apply evidence-based practices to address structural racism and reduce racial and ethnic disparities. The convening will highlight real-world case examples from the field that can be applied to current public health challenges.

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