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August Conversation: Measurement - Tracking Patient and Family Engagement Activities and Outcomes


Mercoledì Lug 31, 2019 02:27 pm EDT
Stati Uniti

Many organizations have engaged patients and families in direct care and as improvement partners. To build an evidence base for these partnerships and the advancement of PFCC, developing a measurement strategy is essential. What has your organization found to be most useful? How has your PFAC and PFAs contributed or been involved in measuring change and improvement? Do you use Annual Reports to document results? When and where are results shared and with whom? Are there topics or areas that you have found challenging to measure? What advice might you give an organization just starting out in this journey about the significance and impact of documenting the power of partnerships? Please join the conversation and share your successes and challenges with your peers as we delve into this important topic.

These informal conversations are participatory in nature, building on the experience and strengths of those who join the call. We do not do a presentation but rather let the discussion be guided by what the participants want to learn more about through the sharing of our collective experiences. Come join the conversation to learn from others and to share your successes and challenges. Mary Minniti, Senior Policy and Program Specialist, will facilitate this discussion.

If you are interested but unable to attend live, I still encourage you to register because all registrants will receive a link to the recording of the discussion a few weeks after the event. The recording and any resources will also be posted in PFCC.Connect for all members to watch and/or refer back to. If you have further questions, please email me at or Mary Minniti at I hope to talk with you next Tuesday!

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