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2019 PCORI Annual Meeting


Mercoledì Set 18, 2019 08:00 am EDT to Venerdì Set 20, 2019 05:00 pm EDT
Washington Marriott Wardman Park
2660 Woodley Rd NW
Washington, DC 20008
Stati Uniti
The Official 2019 PCORI Annual Meeting Website Launches on Monday, June 3
As part of this year's theme, "Making a Difference: Using Patient-Centered Research Results in the Real World," attendees at the two-and-a-half-day conference will learn about how patients, researchers, clinicians, payers, and others across the healthcare community are working to make health research more useful and relevant. In addition, hear about the latest results of PCORI-funded research and efforts to promote their use in practice, and find out how our unique approach to engaging patients and other stakeholders in the work we do is changing the way health research is conducted. Attendees can also hear about how PCORI can best serve the healthcare community into the future.
When the official annual meeting website launches on June 3, you’ll be able to register to attend the meeting and reserve rooms at the conference site hotel at special discounted rates. We look forward to seeing you in September. For questions about the conference, email
Poster Presentations: Call for Submissions
PCORI invited research awardees and project partners to submit an abstract for a poster presentation highlighting their engagement activities and lessons learned. We also invited interested PCORnet Network Partners to consider presenting posters highlighting innovative developments within PCORnet that are useful for stakeholders and others looking to use PCORnet for research. The submissions deadline for poster presentations has passed. Awardees and project partners will be notified of their submission status in May.
PCORI Annual Meeting: Patient Scholarship
Once again, PCORI offered scholarship opportunities for patients, caregivers, and patient representatives to attend the Annual Meeting. This was a competitive opportunity with a limited number of scholarships. PCORI seeks to ensure fair representation of historically underrepresented and minority patient communities, diverse geographic representation, and a mix of new and returning PCORI Annual Meeting attendees. The application deadline for the scholarship opportunity has passed and applicants will be notified of their scholarship award status in May.
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