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Fourteenth National Value-Based Payment and Pay for Performance Summit

America's Physician Groups and Integrated Healthcare Association

Martedì Feb 26, 2019 07:00 am EST to Mercoledì Feb 27, 2019 12:30 pm EST
Hyatt Regency LAX
Los Angeles, CA
Stati Uniti
Accordingly the 14th National Value-based Payment & Pay for Performance Summit will begin by addressing the crucial strategic issues of “Thinking Strategically about Valuebased Payment Models: Lessons Learned, Current Challenges and Moving to Mandatory Risk-bearing Models” and “Making Downside Risk Work”. Other plenary sessions cover topics like an “Annual Medicare Advantage Update”, “The Role of Analytics, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Value-based Care”, a “MACRA/APMs/MIPS Roundtable”, and the perspectives of physicians and hospitals on their respective roles in the move to value-based care.These initiatives are in sharp contrast with the actions of Tom Price, MD, the previous HHS secretary who canceled and scaled back major mandatory bundled payment programs. And more often than not the private sector follows Medicare and Medicaid’s directions in payment reform.

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