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36th Annual Health Summit Diverse Stories Inspiring Community Action

Alaska Public Health Association

Martedì Gen 22, 2019 09:00 am EST to Giovedì Gen 24, 2019 05:00 pm EST
Hotel Captain Cook
Anchorage, AK
Stati Uniti

We know many in our communities and around the state are working together to help assure conditions in which all people can be healthy.  We have much to learn from each other! The 2019 Health Summit will welcome and highlight these diverse, positive stories of community action and change as well as share successful strategies, important lessons learned, evidence-based recommendations, and additional opportunities for continued work together. 

The 2019 Health Summit is being organized around three thematic areas:

Partnerships to Promote the Public’s Health – We are actively seeking to both recognize well-established partnerships and welcome new ones, particularly non-traditional partners from outside the formal public health and health sectors. This is consistent with the national Public Health 3.0 initiative, the growing recognition of the importance of the social determinants of health, and the need for health in all policies. We are particularly interested in sessions that describe new and innovative collaborations to promote public health.

Strength-Based Approaches to Health Promotion – We recognize the unintentional consequence of potentially stigmatizing those in our communities who bear a disproportionate burden of disease, illness and injury, often for complex socio-cultural reasons beyond their control. We are particularly interested in sessions that highlight strength-based approaches to addressing identified problems.

Cultural Attunement and Community Engagement – We recognize that our state is home to a rich multi-cultural tapestry of traditions and includes some of the most culturally diverse zip codes in the country. We know, too, that people often have unique and valuable insight into the nature of the challenges they face and that they should be actively engaged in the development of potential solutions. We are particularly interested in sessions that demonstrate active cultural attunement and engagement of community members. 

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