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Achieving Value in Care Delivery: Policy, Politics and Progress to Support Value Based-Insurance Design (V-BID)

Smart Health Care Coalition

Mercoledì Ott 24, 2018 09:00 am EDT
Russell Senate Office Building Room 325
Washington, DC
Stati Uniti
Speakers Include:
  • Brian Blase, Ph.D.Special Assistant to the President for Healthcare Policy, White House National Economic Council
  • Dr. Mark Fendrick, M.D.Director, University of Michigan Center for Value-Based Insurance Design
  • George HuntleyTreasurer & Past-Chair, National Diabetes Volunteer Leadership Council
  • Frederick IsasiExecutive Director, Families USA
  • Danielle JanowskiLegislative Assistant, Office of Senator John Thune
  • Rachel Leiser LevyPrincipal, Groom Law Group 
  • Michael Thompson, President and CEO, National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions

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