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Family Physician Health and Well-being Conference

Mercoledì Apr 18, 2018 09:00 am EDT to Sabato Apr 21, 2018 12:00 pm EDT
Naples Grande Beach Resort
Naples, FL
Stati Uniti

Stay well. Stay strong.

Attend the first-ever Family Physician Health and Well-being Conference, April 18-21, 2018, at the Naples Grande Beach Resort in Naples, FL. Hear experts from across the country engage on the subject of well-being. Come together with other family physicians to focus on individual wellness, while discovering solutions for improved professional satisfaction and better patient care within a broken system.

Approved for up to 18 AAFP Prescribed credits. View all statements and agreements »

The Best You in a Broken System

It’s not you, it’s them. Nothing could be more true in today’s broken health care system. During this innovative conference, you will discover the tools and resources to improve your well-being in a counter-intuitive system. Additionally, you will arrive back at your practice with an action plan to help you end your day with a smile on your face and a strong sense of professional satisfaction.

Each conference workshop is designed to give you the skills you need to function at your best in an ineffective system.

Health and Well-being in Naples

Naples Florida

Discover solutions to well-being surrounded by sand and sun. Soak up your surroundings and come refreshed to conference sessions. During your downtime, take advantage of all the Sunshine State has to offer—from breathtaking views to maritime activities. Learn more about the Naples Grande Beach Resort(


The Physician Health First Initiative and You

Caring for your patients starts with caring for yourself. That is why the AAFP is launching its new initiative, Physician Health First. Explore our library of curated content, check your risk for burnout by taking the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) assessment, and find innovative tools and techniques to improve your health and professional satisfaction. Learn More

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