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Shared Accountability Across Health and Non-Health Sectors: Opportunities to Improve Population Health

Bailit Health

Mercoledì Apr 5, 2017 02:00 pm to 03:00 pm EDT
Stati Uniti

Join Bailit Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's State Health and Value Strategies Program for the first in a series of three webinars aimed at helping state officials achieve population health goals. 

State agencies can work collaboratively to improve outcomes and reduce inefficiencies across programs serving overlapping populations. Michael Bailit will facilitate this webinar featuring:

  • Dana Hargunani, MD, former Child Health Director of the Oregon Health Authority will highlight best practices and a toolkit for policymakers to jumpstart cross-sector collaboration and accountability.
  • Helen Bellanca, M.D. will share her experience as co-chair of a work group that developed a joint accountability measure set designed to drive closer linkages between Oregon's health and education sectors.

Participants will have the opportunity to react to the presentation and submit questions. The webinar is based on a recent SHVS issue brief that you can access here.


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