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Non-Physician Providers Play Critical Role in Optimizing Care

There’s a shift happening from primary physician-led healthcare to a broader care team incorporating non-physicians, according to a new report.

PwC’s Health Research Institute (HRI) report found that most primary care teams are not designed to optimize care—or meet consumer demands for convenience and value. Consumers, and clinicians, are ready to embrace broader care teams composed of physicians, non-physician clinicians, and care connectors, e.g., social workers, clinical educators, care managers.

“Healthcare organizations should assess how a reconfigured primary care model, as outlined in this report, can impact ROI and allow for reinvested savings in other lines of service,” says Harlan Stock, Manager, Healthcare Advisory at PwC.

Specifically, HRI found that a primary care team designed around the needs of complex chronic consumers could potentially save $1.2 million for every 10,000 patients served.

“Today’s healthcare demand models often overstate demand for primary care physicians,” according to Stock.

The Association of American Medical Colleges estimates the U.S. needs nine primary care physicians for every 10,000 persons.

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