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Summit on Shared Principles for Person-Centered, Team-Based Primary Care

PCPCC and Family Medicine for America's Health

Venerdì Nov 11, 2016 07:30 am to 12:00 pm EST
Grand Hyatt Washington DC
1000 H Street Northwest
Washington, DC 20001
Stati Uniti

What unites us in our collective vision to make advanced primary care foundational to U.S. health system reform? What does person-centered, team-based primary care actually mean to patients, payers, and health care providers? How do we ensure our movement is inclusive of all stakeholders that care about primary care?

Please join us for a special summit focused on developing new “Shared Principles for Person-Centered, Team-Based Primary Care” that will help set the future agenda of the Collaborative’s work.

Co-hosted by the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) and FMA Health, the goal of this summit is to convene a diverse set of stakeholders to help identify and develop consensus around shared principles of high-performing, team-based, person-centered primary care. This is a unique opportunity to collaborate with committed colleagues from diverse organizations and promote what you view as the essential principles of high-performing primary care.

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