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Yogman Pediatric Associates

This practice partners with patients and families in the following ways: 

Yogman Pediatrics has a Parent Advisory Group (PAG) comprised of 10 parents and an adolescent peer partner from the practice. This group includes mothers and fathers of children with diverse medical needs and backgrounds. This group meets with the doctors, clinical staff and the office manager quarterly. Parents provide suggestions for the agenda ahead of time and will weigh in on any issues brought up at the meeting. Topics have included; negotiating with schools around access to special education services, better means of communication with families, practice policy additions or changes, enhancing community engagement, and communicating about updates in pediatric healthcare . Parents often lead discussions as this is an opportunity for the clinical staff to get a sense of the interests and concerns of the families they serve.

Partnership Activities: 
  • Practice makes referrals to CBOs
  • Patient and Family Advisory Council

This practice partners with community-based organizations in the following ways: 

Yogman Pediatrics is committed to helping families find the resources they need to keep their kids and families healthy. Yogman's clinical social worker helps families determine what services may best meet their needs and then makes the appropriate referrals to community based organizations. They also work closely with several family support and advocacy groups being sure to provide access to these services to families in need. These resource lists require constant updating.

Practice Details
PFE Metrics: 
Support for Patient & Family Voices
Practice Setting: 
Practice Type: 
Primary care practice
Private practice
Primary Care Practice Type: 
PTN/SAN Enrolled Practice: 
Practice Location
575 Mt Auburn Street, Suite 202
Cambridge, MA 02138
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