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PTN - QualityImpact/ Consortium for Southeastern Hypertension Control (COSEHC)

Program Location: 
Atlanta, GA
Payer Type: 

The Consortium for Southeastern Hypertension Control (COSEHC) received a CMS award to transform clinical practices throughout the Southeastern U.S. Their practice transformation network (PTN), QualityImpact, will serve upwards of 3,400 providers over the next four years in their transition from fee-for-service to value-based delivery models. 

Practices that enroll in the QualityImpact PTN will receive a comprehensive, transformation “package” that includes:


  • MDinsight – A sophisticated, EHR-integrated, population health management platform
  • Care Delivery Consulting – Process improvement facilitation enabling improved efficiency, quality, and proactive patient management
  • Clinical Quality Improvement – Expert-led guidance tailored to care gaps/opportunities

Independent of this initiative, these tools and services cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, but through grant support, they are provided to participating practices at no cost.

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