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PTN - New York State Practice Transformation Network (NYSPTN)

Program Location: 
Albany, NY
Payer Type: 
Partner Organizations: 
New York eHealth Collaborative
Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency
NYS Department of Health
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
United Hospital Fund
Medical Society of the State of New York(MSSNY)
New York Chapter American College of Physicians(NYACP)
The Healthcare Association of New York State (HANYS)
Greater New York Hospital Association (GNYHA)
Mount Sinai Health System
Primary Care Information Project (PCIP)
New York State Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare
NYS Academy of Family Physicians
Primary Care Development Corporation (PCDC)
P2 Collaborative of Western New York
Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative (MAeHC)
Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization
Adirondack Health Institute
Suffolk County Medical Society
EHR Advisory Group

The New York State Practice Transformation Network (NYSPTN) is a statewide learning network designed to coach, mentor and assist clinicians in developing core competencies necessary to transform their practices so they can thrive in an emerging healthcare environment that emphasizes value of care delivered. The NYSPTN embraces and supports the “quadruple aim” of improved health, higher quality healthcare, lower costs and greater physician satisfaction.

NYSPTN is and built on the skills and infrastructure from the highly successful Regional Extension Center (REC) program that assisted physicians to adopt and meaningfully use electronic health records.

Through the PTN, participating practices will receive:

  • Skilled transformational support provided through a combination of remote and on-site training and support
  • Peer-level support
  • Access to nationally-recognized experts faculty

Services include but are not limited to assistance with maximizing incentives from payer contracts, avoidance of penalties, care management, quality improvement, networking, and more.  

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