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PTN - Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network

Program Location: 
Lansing, MI
Payer Type: 

The Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network (also referred to as the Trustees of Indiana University) will provide technical assistance support to help equip clinicians in the Midwest with tools, information, and network support needed to improve quality of care, increase patients’ access to information, and spend health care dollars more wisely. The Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network (GLPTN) is a three-state collaborative (Indiana, Illinois and Michigan) partnered with over 30 organizations.

As a Practice Transformation Network, the IU School of Medicine will support 11,500 clinicians to expand their quality improvement capacity, learn from one another, and achieve common goals of improved care, better health, and reduced cost. The network will provide implementation science, process improvement and personalized population health management to help participating clinicians meet the initiative’s phases of transformation and associated milestones, clinical and operational results.

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