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Integration of Oral Health with Primary Care in Health Centers: Profiles of Five Innovative Models

The Integration of Oral Health and Primary Care Practice (IOHPCP) initiative was first mentioned in the background section of this document. IOHPCP was developed by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and outlines five domains which cut across a variety of clinical specialties and are required for successful integration of oral health with primary care, including: • Risk Ass e s s m e n t – the identification of factors that impact oral health and overall health. • Oral Health Evaluation – integrating subjective and objective findings based on completion of a focused oral health history, risk assessment and performance of a clinical oral screening. • Preventive Intervention – recognition of options and strategies to address oral health needs identified by risk assessment and evaluation. • Communication and Education – targets individuals and groups regarding the relationship between oral and systemic health, risk factors for oral health disorders, effect of nutrition on oral health, and preventive measures appropriate to mitigate risk on both individual and population levels. • Interprofessional Collaborative Practice – Shares responsibility and collaboration among healthcare professionals in the care of patients and populations with, or at risk of, oral disorders to assure optimal health outcomes. These domains provide a “framework” for exploring models which have been successfully implemented by the health centers featured in this monograph. 

Integration of Oral Health with Primary Care in Health Centers: Profiles of Five Innovative Models​

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