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Incorporating Delivery System Reform Incentives into Medicaid Waivers: State and Federal Perspectives

National Academy for State Health Policy

Lunedì Nov 23, 2015 12:30 pm to 02:00 pm EST
Stati Uniti

States are increasingly exploring Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) and DSRIP-like programs as a mechanism to incentivize system transformation and quality improvements in hospitals and other providers that serve high volumes of low-income patients. Operating under the authority of Section 1115 demonstration waivers, DSRIP programs provide states with a unique opportunity to redesign delivery systems and increase capacity for population health management within the context of state needs and goals. This webinar will feature federal and state speakers who will discuss the opportunities and challenges for incorporating DSRIP or DSRIP-like programs into 1115 demonstrations and potential areas for ensuring alignment of federal and state approaches. Participants will hear from the director of the newly created State Demonstrations Group within CMS followed by speakers from New York and Oregon, who will share the unique approaches their states have taken to adapt the DSRIP model to support ongoing delivery system reform.

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