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Rural Patient and Provider Perspectives on the PCMH

Program Location: 
Lawrence, KS
Payer Type: 
Partner Organizations: 
University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
REACH Healthcare Foundation
Thrive Allen County
Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas
Health Care Collaborative of Rural Missouri

Rural residents face challenges in obtaining health care, which can result in poorer outcomes. Nationally, the patient-centered medical home model (PCMH) is used as an effective way to improve patient outcomes and support the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s Triple Aim: improving patient care and population health and reducing costs. Yet, opportunities exist to learn more about PCMH in rural settings and how it can support outcomes important to rural patients, caregivers, and others. This project is designed to prepare a local steering committee to participate in comparative effectiveness research (CER), obtain baseline information to learn more about PCMH from a rural perspective, select an area in need of CER, and create channels for sharing those results. Foundational partners include the University of Kansas School of Social Welfare, REACH Healthcare Foundation, Thrive Allen County, Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, and Health Care Collaborative of Rural Missouri. A national advisory group will assist. The $237,045 grant was awarded in 2015 and the project period ends after 12 months. 

Additional Resources

An Overview of the Patient-Centered Medical Home for Rural Patients, Caregivers, and Healthcare Stakeholders

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