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Children's Home Society of Florida Wellness Cottage Program

Program Location: 
Orlando, FL
Payer Type: 

The Children’s Home Society of Florida project will implement a medical home for students, families, teachers and the community at the Wellness Cottage at Evans High School, which aims to reduce Emergency Department and inpatient utilization, increase sexually transmitted disease awareness, and address food insecurities and traumatic stress. Four community partners including Children’s Home Society of Florida (child welfare/behavioral health), the University of Central Florida, Orange County Public Schools and Central Florida Family Health Center will operate the Wellness Cottage, a hub for health, social, behavioral health, parental support, and after-school activities. The Central Florida Family Health Center will provide onsite primary care. Health risk assessments will inform health promotion activities. Student health ambassadors will promote healthy lifestyles.

Community health workers will help parents remove barriers to care. The University of Central Florida will provide social work, nursing, and medical interns. Primary Health Maintenance Organizations will facilitate access to the clinic and assist in evaluating health costs. Programs and services targeting wellness will be available in the school and community. It is predicted that the services provided at Evans Wellness Cottage will improve both the physical health and behavioral health of students, staff, and adults living in the targeted area. The model is designed to create a safe environment where students can learn better health care seeking behaviors and personal health management. In addition, informal and formal connections will help facilitate the development of trust and establish critical lines of communication to improve access to care at the Evans Wellness Cottage.

The award is $2,078,295 over three years

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