Call for Applications: 2015 Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program
The Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP) is a cooperative agreement between the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Federal grants of $50,000 per year for up to five years are awarded through the program to support community-based child health projects that improve the health status of mothers, infants, children, and adolescents by increasing their access to health services.
Application Requirements:
Healthy Tomorrows projects must represent a new initiative within the community or an innovative component that builds upon existing community resources. Projects usually target low-income populations and address four key areas:
Healthy Tomorrows Projects must include:
MCHB is especially interested in proposals for projects that incorporate the goals, objectives, guidelines and materials of its Bright Futures for Infants, Children and Adolescents initiative to improve the quality of health promotion and prevention services in the context of family and community.
How to Apply:
Healthy Tomorrows applicants must apply online through the federal grants Web site, After you register with and verify you have the correct version of Adobe Reader installed on your computer, select the "Download a Grant Application Package" and enter the CFDA Number (93.110) and the Funding Opportunity Number (HRSA-15-034) to review the program guidance and application package.
Programmatic Assistance:
Applicants may obtain information about program guidance and requirements, by contacting:
Madhavi Reddy-Netherland, Program Director,; 301/443-0754
Additional information related to assistance with developing your proposal and technical assistance, may be obtained by contacting:
Maureen Finneran, Program Manager,; 847/434-7082
Karla Palmer, Program Coordinator,; 847/434-4279