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Military Health System PCMH Initiative - Hill Air Force Base

Program Location: 
Clearfield, UT
Payer Type: 

Reported Outcomes


The Air Force has employed their version of the PCMH, termed the Air Force Patient-Centered Medical Home (previously the Family Health Initiative), at several of their bases within the United States. The Air Force PCMH was modeled after the qualities and goals of a PCMH. These Air Force PCMH practices are within the Air Force Bases themselves, and each of them has a patient panel of military beneficiaries (active duty members, retirees, and families) creating a unique healthcare environment. Among the Air Force project sites that demonstrated positive results is Hill Air Force Base in Utah. By offering team-based care with individualized care plans for patients, encouraging continuity of care, and providing care management and rapid access to care, the project has improved blood sugar control for 77 percent of the diabetic population and stayed at or above 98 percent symptom control for patients with asthma.

Improved Health: 
  • Improved sugar control for 77% of diabetic population
  • 98% symptom control for patients with asthma
Improved Patient/Clinician Satisfaction: 
  • 95% patient satisfaction
Cost Savings: 
  • Estimated $300,000 savings per year by improving diabetes care
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