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Tri-state Children's Health Improvement Consortium - West Virginia

Program Location: 
Charleston, WV
Payer Type: 

The West Virginia Health Improvement Institute is a partner organization involved in the Tri-State Children’s Health Improvement Consortium (T-CHIC), which involves a collaborative effort of three states - Alaska, Oregon, and West Virginia.  The project is focused on establishing and evaluating a national system for children's health care quality. T-CHIC is funded by the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization ACT (CHIPRA) and builds on existing state and practice level change efforts.

Through this opportunity, the T-CHIC is using a variety of strategies to demonstrate the impact that different ways of delivering health care and health care information can have on a child's health. This project aims to drive continuous quality improvement in child health care by:

  • Improving children's health and health care quality measurement
  • Integrating Health Information Technology (HIT) system
  • Developing the best models of health care delivery for children and their families

West Virginia is working with 10 practice sites in a virtual learning collaborative to implement a medical home model. The WVHII will be working with these practice sites to:

  • collect, report, and test the use of the initial core set of children's quality measures
  • assist with care coordination activities in the medical homes while focused on improving the health of the population.

Patient care coordinators will work to eliminate barriers to help patients get the care they need. The program will ensure that all patients receive information and assistance to help them obtain:

  • Follow-up care
  • Timely diagnosis
  • Access to additional resources
Last updated Aprile 2014
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