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Arizona Connected Care ACO - P3 Arizona Health Partners

Program Location: 
Tuscon, AZ
Payer Type: 

Reported Outcomes


Arizona Connected Care is Southern Arizona's first Accountable Care Organization (ACO), and is a collaboration of independent health care providers in Tucson and Southern Arizona, including more than 150 physicians, three Federally Qualified Health Centers and Tucson Medical Center. Arizona Connected Care is a collaborative, physician-driven organization that works in partnership with a local community-based hospital. Within Arizona Connected Care is Innovative Practices, a Medical Services Organization (MSO) that provides technical staffing and outreach support to physicians and other providers who are participants in Arizona Connected Care.  This support includes assisting with care coordination, chronic disease management, and practice transformation.

Thousands of eligible Medicare patients in this ACO are participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Plan (MSSP).  The goal of the MSSP program is to provide the highest quality care while containing the increases in healthcare costs by meeting a series of federally established quality measures.  One key focus is coordinating care for patients with chronic illnesses and other serious conditions. 

Now a part of P3 Arizona Helath Partners: P3AZ is a patient-centered, physician-led, population health-focused healthcare company. We’ve put together a team right here in Tucson to transform healthcare from a system that profits from sickness to one that sees patient wellness as its primary goal.

Our shared purpose and passion is to guide and influence communities to better health by emphasizing prevention and delivering the best possible care based on the patient’s level of need.

Payment Model: 

Savings/loss determinations are based upon the difference between FFS expenditures (Parts A and B) for the defined population for the year and a risk-adjusted benchmark that is an estimate of the Part A and B Medicare expenditures that would have occurred in the defined population in the absence of the ACO. The expenditure benchmark is based on the previous 3 year expenditures history (Medicare Parts A and B) of prospectively assigned beneficiaries to the ACO.

Cost Savings: 

2015 cost savings:

  • Generated Savings: $4.9M
  • Earned Shared Savings: $2.2M
Last updated Marzo 2019
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