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Washington has long embraced the PCMH model of care delivery through both private and public sector initiatives. Beginning in the 1990's, partnerships between pediatricians, families, and the Washington State Department of Health Children with Special Health Care Needs Program were established to build the concepts of the medical home into primary care pediatric practices. In 2008, the Substitute House Bill 2549 authorized the creation of the state's first medical home learning collaborative for qualified primary care practices serving children and adults.  Substitute Senate Bill 5891 established several medical home reimbursement pilot projects including a multi-payer medical home demonstration project.  State law, Chapter 48.150 RCW, specifies that a direct primary care medical home must be integrated with an issuer’s Qualified Health Plan (QHP). If a QHP filing contains a direct primary care medical home, then the Health Benefit Exchange will recognize the Office of Insurance Commissioner’s approval of the plan to confirm that the medical home is integrated with the QHP.

The HealthPath Washington partnership between the State of Washington and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid has decided to discontinue implementation of the capitated managed care project. This project was created to integrate medical, behavioral health, and long term services so that benefits could be delivered through managed care organizations.

The Washington Healthcare Improvement Network (WHIN) offers services to primary care clinicians and practice teams to develop health/medical homes, manage care for patients with multiple chronic conditions and improve care transitions. WHIN also serves:

  • Behavioral health teams that plan to collaborate with primary care.
  • Care/case managers or coordinators who are part of a health/medical home team.
  • Pharmacists that plan to collaborate with primary care.
  • Naturopathic doctors and consultant specialty providers on a case-by-case basis.
Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$8.2 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

Washington State Multi-Payer Medical Home Reimbursement Pilot

The Washington State Multi-Payer Medical Home Reimbursement Pilot is testing one way to reduce potentially avoidable emergency room and hospital admissions by paying primary care practices in a way that rewards positive outcomes. It combines fee for service reimbursement with a pre-payment to primary care based on attributed patient counts. In exchange, practices strive to reduce avoidable costly care in the emergency department (ED) or hospital. Practices and plans potentially share financial losses as well as savings, a unique feature in this payment design.

CMS State Innovation Model (SIM) Test Award - Washington

The State of Washington will receive approximately $64.9 million to implement and test its State Health Care Innovation Plan. The award will go to funding Healthier Washington, an initiative based on the Washington State Health Care Innovation Plan. 

Kitsap Mental Health Services

The goal of the program is to integrate and coordinate services that improve patient health while reducing overall costs.

Premera Blue Cross Global Outcomes Contracting

Across Washington state 12 major physician groups and an independent physician association, who combined manage care for nearly 100,000 Premera members, have joined the Global Outcomes Contracting model to help control costs while improving quality of care for patients. Through Premera's new payment model, groups are being rewarded annually based on a combination of the cost savings they demonstrate and the quality of care they provide to their patients' total health over the course of the preceding year.

Cigna Collaborative Accountable Care (CAC) Program - Northwest Physicians Network

Collaborative accountable care is Cigna's approach to accomplishing the same population health goals as accountable care organizations, or ACOs. The program will benefit nearly 3,300 individuals covered by a Cigna health plan who receive care from Northwest Physicians Network's (NPN) 150 primary care physicians. The program with NPN is Cigna's first accountable care program in the Puget Sound area and in the state of Washington. 


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