
In response to Pennsylvania’s growing chronic disease burden and its impact on healthcare spending, the Governor issued Executive Order 2007-05 on May 21, 2007. This order created the Pennsylvania Chronic Care Management, Reimbursement and Cost Reduction Commission, also known as the Chronic Care Commission. The Commission proposed and then implemented the Pennsylvania Chronic Care Initiative (CCI) designed to achieve four strategic goals:

  • Widespread use of a new primary care reimbursement model that rewards PCMH care based on the Chronic Care Model.
  • Broad dissemination of the Chronic Care Model to primary care practices across Pennsylvania, through regional chronic care learning collaboratives. 
  • Achievement of tangible and measurable improvement in patiient satisfaction, access to care, health outcomes and quality of life.
  • Reduction in the cost of providing chronic care with the reduction of avoidable hospitalizations and emergency room visits and mechanisms to ensure that some of the savings are realized by all entities paying for health care. 

The first rollout (Southeast PA) started in May 2008 and six more learning collaboratives were launched through December 2009, involving a total of 152 mostly small and medium-size primary care practices and 640 providers (75% of the practices have 5 or fewer FTE providers). In four of PA’s seven regions, 17 payers, including Medicaid, provided $30 million in infrastructure payments to practices to support transformation. Since 2009, the state’s contracts with Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) have required MCOs to participate in the CCI. Phase II of the CCI began in January 2012 with funding from the Multi-payer Advanced Primary Care Practice demonstration.

Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$21.0 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

Capital BlueCross/PinnacleHealth Accountable Care Arrangement

In 2012, Capital BlueCross and PinnacleHealth System formed an innovative alliance designed to enhance care coordination, improve patient satisfaction and reduce health care expenses. This collaboration, known as an Accountable Care Arrangement (ACA), was one of the first of its kind between an integrated health care system and health insurer in Pennsylvania. 

HealthChoice Managed Care Organization

HealthChoices, Pennsylvania’s premier Medicaid Managed Care program, serves over 1.2 million of the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable low-income and disabled citizens.All members have a Primary Care Provider (PCP) who provides a Medical Home for the member and manages their medical care. The PCP makes referrals to specialists for care when medically necessary. Members have access to a wide range of specialists, hospitals, dentists, laboratory sites, therapists, home health providers, pharmacies, and other medical providers.

IMPaCTing Meaningful Improvements in Primary Care Practice

2014-05-05 12:00 to 13:30

Primary care extension programs improve the quality of primary care services by educating providers on new and innovative practices in areas such as preventive medicine, health promotion, and chronic disease management. Section 5405 of the Affordable Care Act authorizes the establishment of a national primary care extension program.

Announcement Type: 

Cigna Collaborative Accountable Care Program - Valley Preferred

Cigna and Valley Preferred  are launching acollaborative accountable care  initiative to improve patient access to health care, enhance care coordination, and achieve the “triple aim” of improved health, affordability and patient experience. The program, Cigna's first collaborative accountable care initiative to launch in Pennsylvania, was effective July 1, 2013. Collaborative accountable care is Cigna's approach to accomplishing the same population health goals as accountable care organizations, or ACOs.

One PCMH Pilot, Two Different Results

Researchers found 17 practices operating as "medical homes" in Pennsylvania significantly reduced costs for high-risk patients -- countering negative results published last month that looked at the same patient-centered medical home (PCMH) pilot.

News Author: 
David Pittman

Independence Blue Cross study in The American Journal of Managed Care finds lower costs for those with chronic illness treated in patient-centered medical homes

Three-year study shows reduced costs and hospital utilization for highest risk patients

Results from a three-year study by Independence Blue Cross (IBC) demonstrating reduced costs and utilization for high-risk patients cared for by patient-centered medical homes appear today in The American Journal of Managed Care. The study involved approximately 700 IBC members — most with multiple chronic illnesses including congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, and asthma — who experience a disproportionately high number of hospital stays and costly health care services.

News Author: 
Ruth Stoolman

Don't Rush to Judgment: Medical Homes Can Improve Outcomes, Save Lives

We live in an age of immediacy, fueled by 24/7 news cycles and a robust social media environment. We find humor in watching a cat chase a laser pointer, but our pursuit of the new and shiny is no less present. One negative review can lead people to drop everything and change course. A restaurant can have a bad night, get a couple of negative reviews on Yelp, and find itself with empty tables as potential customers take their business elsewhere.

News Author: 

On the "Front Lines" of Health Reform: Reinventing Team-Based Care

With millions more Americans now eligible for health insurance coverage, health care organizations and providers throughout the U.S. are experiencing increasing pressure to balance the growing demand for health care services. At the same time, providers are being asked to improve quality and lower costs.

News Author: 
Kavita Patel, Jeffrey Nadel

Studies offer close-up look at medical home model

The difficulty in precisely measuring the benefits of the patient-centered medical home model comes across in two new studies offering seemingly contradictory insights on the concept.

News Author: 
Andis Robeznieks

PCPCC Leadership Responds to JAMA Article on Medical Home Pilot Study


Contact: Staci GoldbergBelle, 202-417-2076,


PCPCC Leadership Responds to JAMA Article on Medical Home Pilot Study



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