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The Michigan Primary Care Transformation Project (MiPCT) is one of the oldest and longest-running multi-payer initiatives for patient-centered medical homes (PCMH). It was developed in 2010 as a multi-payer initiative to test the value of the PCMH model of care.  In July 2013, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, the largest commercial payer in the program, reported savings of $155 million over the first three years of the program. Building on this success Michigan has made plans to expand their network of PCMH's as the foundation for their statewide health care improvement efforts. In January 2014, the Michigan Governor's Office submitted the Blueprint for Health Innovation, Michigan's State Health Care Innovation Plan.  The six foundation components for the Blueprint include:

  • Patient-centered medical homes 
  • Provide care coordination to improve health care outcomes for individauls requiring intensive support services
  • Community health innovation regions to improve population health
  • Improve systems of care
  • System improvements to reduce administrative complexity
  • Contain health care costs and shift to value-based payment models

The Blueprint proposes to develop Accountable Systems of Care comprised of medical homes, specialists and hospitals with the capacity to integrate clinical care across settings. On December 30, 2013, CMS granted approval for Michigan to amend its Healthy Michigan 1115 demonstration waiver to implement Medicaid expansion to all adults with incomes up to and including 138% of the Federal Poverty Level beginning on April 1, 2014.  

Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$12.4 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

Michigan Health Link

Michigan signed an Memorandum of Understanding with CMS on 4/3/2014.  The Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) developed a demonstration to strengthen services and support for individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid. In the demonstration, services and supports for persons who are dually eligible will be delivered by newly created Integrated Care Organizations (ICOs) and curren

Marquette General Health Medical Neighborhood Demonstration - Michigan

This award is part of the Health Care Innovation Awards program, a Department of Health and Human Services initiative investing up to $1 billion to test promising new approaches that aim to improve health care and lower program costs for recipients of Medicare, Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Patient-Centered Medical Homes- the latest research findings

Commentary from BCBSM

Recently, a three year evaluation of a medical home pilot was published in JAMA that found limited effects of the medical home. On the surface, these findings run counter to the Health Services Research Journal study first published in July 2013 showing positive impacts on cost and quality of the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan PCMH program – which translated into roughly $155M in savings over the program’s first three years. 

To Align or Not to Align: State Options in Multi-Payer Medical Home Initiatives

2014-03-04 15:30 to 17:00

Currently, 19 states are participating in one or more multi-payer patient centered medical home initiatives (PCMH). As states develop new multi-payer PCMH initiatives, they will have to grapple with the question of how much, if any, alignment is necessary among key programmatic elements, including payment, qualification standards and evaluation measures. This webinar, supported by The Commonwealth Fund, will feature key stakeholders from New York, Michigan, and Nebraska who will share their unique approaches that span the alignment spectrum.


Announcement Type: 

PCMH Data Certifies Proof of Concept

Data collected from 11 states strongly suggests that the question to ask about the patient-centered medical home model is not whether it reduces healthcare costs and improves outcomes, but how well.

Forgive me for preaching to the choir, but another round-up of studies released this week re-confirms what we already know: Patient-centered medical homes improve health outcomes and reduce costs.

In fact, the question is no longer "will they work?" Evidence increasingly settles that question. Now the questions center around just how effective PCMHs can be in reducing costs and improving outcomes.

News Author: 
John Commins

New Report Finds Medical Homes Are Reducing Health Care Costs, Utilization, and Improving Health

A review of the year’s academic and industry-generated PCMH evaluations finds significant impact across a number of clinical and financial outcomes.

Embargoed Until Monday, January 13th, 4PM

PCPCC: Michelle Shaljian, 347-754-1692,

Milbank: Tara Strome, 212-355-8400,

New Report Finds Medical Homes Are Reducing Health Care Costs, Utilization, and Improving Health

Reform Update: Specialty physicians make inroads into medical homes

The proposals to scrap Medicare's sustainable growth-rate formula for updating physician pay include less-noticed provisions rewarding practices that operate as a patient-centered medical home. There is a twist, however.

News Author: 
Andis Robeznieks

Michigan Pioneer ACO - CMS Pioneer ACO

The Michigan Pioneer ACO's mission is to provide high quality health care services that improve the health of the population and the communities it serves. Their participation in the Pioneer ACO program encourages integration of care, quality improvement, and cost savings through care coordination and reduction in duplicate services. The Michigan Pioneer ACO employs a team of registered nurses and caring professionals who work closely with doctors to help manage patients' healthcare needs.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Physician Group Incentive Program

The Michigan Blues’ PCMH program is a two-part program developed with physician partners. The first phase involves implementing PCMH features and tools to transform physician practices. Through financial support from the Blues’ Physician Group Incentive Program, physicians across the state are working toward PCMH designation by implementing various PCMH features into their practices.


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