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As a leader in health care reform and innovation, Massachusetts is dedicated to transforming its payment and delivery systems to transition away from FFS to a system of value-based purchasing stragtegies. MassHealth, the state Medicaid program, is expanding value-based purchasing strategies for Managed Care Organizations and aims to expand this initiative to include global payments by MCOs to integrated care organizations and other integrated providers, and transition primary care provider payment methodologies into alignment with Patient-Centered Medical Homes. 

In 2012, Massachusetts enacted Chapter 224 of the Acts of 2012 to slow the growth in state health care costs, improve quality of care and patient outcomes, and increase transparency and oversight of provider and payer price and cost data. The law builds on the momentum in the private market by providing for the development of processes for the certification of organizations as accountable care organizations and patient centered medical homes. In addition, the law creates a “Model ACO” program through which organizations can be designated as “Model ACOs” and receive priority from MassHealth, the Group Insurance Commission, and the Health Connector.


Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$13.2 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

Harvard Pilgrim Offering Integrated Behavioral Health Programs

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care is working with health care providers throughout the region on an innovative, multi-faceted plan to better coordinate behavioral and medical health care for patients. As part of this initiative, Harvard Pilgrim has made quality grants to selected providers who are working to integrate these two facets of health care. Integration is of particular interest to those providers involved in Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMH), a model that emphasizes care coordination among a patient’s specialists and primary care providers.

Successful Population Health Management Across the Continuum of Care

2014-11-06 07:30 to 09:30

While the concept of population health management is nothing new, evolving data capabilities and fast-changing healthcare reimbursement structures that emphasize value over volume have pushed it to the top of the priority list. Providers that are able to coordinate care across settings, effectively analyze patterns and address healthcare needs across the entire patient population they serve will be better positioned to improve both clinical and financial outcomes.

Announcement Type: 

Transforming safety net practices into patient-centered medical homes

A recently concluded demonstration project made meaningful progress toward introducing a "patient-centered medical home" approach at "safety net" practices serving vulnerable and underserved populations. Lessons learned in the course of developing and implementing the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative (SNMHI) are featured in a special November supplement to Medical Care.

2014 Primary Care Challenge Culminates in Hopeful Pitch-off and Discussion

Dr. Gina Luciano, the Associate Program Director of Internal Medicine Residency at Baystate Health, won the 2014 Primary Care Challenge on Tuesday night, following several weeks of crowd-sourced voting online. Luciano pitched her innovative plan to rework primary care residency programs, titled “Training Tomorrow’s Primary Care Physician,” to a panel of five judges and an audience of over 50 enthusiastic primary care innovators, physicians and students at Harvard Medical School.

News Author: 
Jenni Whalen

Are Primary Care Providers the Cool Kids Now? Dr. Marci Nielsen Thinks So

Are we Clueless, and has Cher Horowitz finally found her Tai Frasier? Are primary care providers the cool kids now? According to Dr. Marci Nielsen, Chief Executive Officer of the Washington, DC-based Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC), primary care providers are on the up-and-up.

News Author: 
Jennifer Joe

Massachusetts Alliance for Complex Care (MACC)

The Boston Medical Center project will test a Collaborative Care Coordination and Consultative Model for Complex Kids (the 4C, or "Foresee" Program) which pairs Complex Care Nurse Care Coordinators and Pediatricians at MACC sites in Boston and Springfield with pediatricians in the community to enhance and improve the care delivered to children with medical complexity in local medical home-like settings.

Will Health Reform Bring New Role, Respect To Primary Care Physicians?

A few years ago it struck the D.C. region’s biggest medical insurer that the doctors who saw its members most often and knew them best got the smallest piece of the healthcare dollar. CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield spent billions on hospital procedures, drugs and specialty physicians to treat sick patients. Only one dollar in 20 went to the family-care doctors and other primary caregivers trained to keep people healthy.

The company’s move to shift that balance tells a lesser-known story of the Affordable Care Act and efforts to change the health system.

News Author: 
Jay Hancock

Medical Economics: Steinberg’s practice is textbook example of patient-centered medical home

Journal features Commonwealth Medicine physician leader

The care coordination of an AIDS patient and his HIV-positive wife managed by UMass Medical School’s Judith Steinberg, MD, MPH, is a textbook example of success using the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model, according to a cover story in the most recent issue of Medical Economics. Dr. Steinberg (at right), clinical associate professor of medicine and deputy chief medical officer for UMass Medical School’s Commonwealth Medicine division, said that it was critical to have a behavioral health specialist immediately begin counseling the couple following their diagnosis.

News Author: 

Aetna Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) - Massachusetts

Aetna launched its Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) program in Massachusetts in July of 2013. The program recognizes primary care physicians (PCPs) who more actively coordinate and manage their patients’ care across the health care system. By strengthening the role of PCPs, the PCMH program aims to improve patient health outcomes.


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