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In 2009, Connecticut Public Act No. 09-148 authorizing the creation of the SustiNet health plan option also established a medical home advisory committee to recommend internal procedures and proposed regulations governing the administration of patient-centered medical homes that provide health care services to SustiNet Plan members. In addition, the state of Connecticut encourages issuers offering Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) on the state marketplace to submit non-standardized plans including those that utilize different care management models (e.g., PCMHs, community health teams). 

Under the Connecticut Department of Social Services’ PCMH program, practices that demonstrate a higher standard of person-centered primary care service delivery qualify for a higher level of reimbursement for primary care services. Qualified PCMH practices are also eligible for additional financial incentives and HUSKY Health recipients are included in the PCMH program. The State Innovation plan builds upon this program by furthering the development of payment and delivery system models that will advance greater alignment across multiple payers on contracting and payment strategies that promote value over volume, greater consistency in quality and other performance metrics, and expanded primary care.


Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$6.7 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

DMHAS Behavioral Health Homes

The Connecticut Behavioral Health Home model has been developed by the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) in collaboration with the Department of Social Services (DSS) and includes input from a CT BHH Workgroup with participants from various stakeholder groups, including the Connecticut Behavioral Health Partnership (CT BHP) Oversight Council and individuals in recovery and their families. 

Mental health agencies take on larger role coordinating all care

The fitness group walked in loops on the path with 51-year-old member Cindy as its unofficial cheerleader.

“You got flames coming out of your feet, you’re going so fast!” she yelled to one walker, who had charged ahead. She gushed over the new shoes a young man was wearing, and teased a twenty-something group leader about being too young to know who fitness guru Richard Simmons was.

“She helps me with my mental health and I teach her about the old fogey programs,” Cindy joked.

News Author: 
Arielle Levin Becker

Cigna collaborative care program with Day Kimball Healthcare

Cigna and Day Kimbell Healthcare have a collaborative care initiative to improve patient access to health care, enhance care coordination, and achieve the goal of improved health, affordability and patient experience. Putnam-based Day Kimball Healthcare and its affiliated physicians group is an integrated medical services network serving northeast Connecticut that has participated in Cigna Collaborative Care since October 2012. 

UnitedHealthcare Patient-Centered Medical Home Program- Connecticut

UnitedHealthcare currently operates 13 medical home programs in 10 states for the commercially insured population  These programs include more than 2,000 participating physicians and 300,000 members. 

Public Act No. 11-58

This act allows cities and towns to join the state employee health plan. In addition, a provision was included to "develop and implement patient-centered medical homes for the state employee plan and partnership plans... in a manner that will reduce the costs of such plans".

Enhanced Personal Health Care Program - Connecticut

The Enhanced Personal Health Care Program empowers primary care physicians to engage in comprehensive primary care functions that move toward a coordinated, evidence-based care model that has the greatest impact on achieving the triple aim of improved quality, patient experience and affordability.  

This program:  

Cigna Accountable Care Program - PriMed and Greenwich Physicians Association, Inc.

In January 2014, Cigna and two Fairfield County physician groups – PriMed  and Greenwich Physicians Association, Inc. (GPA) - launched collaborative accountable care initiatives to improve patient access to health care, enhance care coordination, and achieve the “triple aim” of improved health, affordability and patient experience.  Collaborative accountable care is Cigna's approach to accomplishing the same population health goals as accountable care organizations (ACOs).


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