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Colorado was an early adopter of the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model of care delivery. In 2007, Colorado passed Chapter 346 which required the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment  (CDPHE) to increase the number of children served by medical homes. In 2009, Colorado launched one of the earliest multi-payer medical home pilots which ended in 2012 and resulted in many improvements both in costs and health outcomes.  

In 2011, Colorado Medicaid launched the Accountable Care Collaborative with seven Regional Care Collaborative Organizations (RCCOs) to coordinate care statewide. Of these RCCOs, 18 are managed by community-based organizations that build on unique local strengths to address local needs. 

Colorado continues to expand its health care reform efforts using a foundation of strong primary care and the integration of behavioral health. The CDPHE and the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) have jointly established the Colorado Medical Home Initiative to serve as a clearinghouse of information for the medical home approach in Colorado. 


Dual Eligible: 
2703 Health Home: 
SIM Awards: 
Legislative PCMH Initiative: 
Private Payer Program: 
State Facts: 
Uninsured Population:
Total Medicaid Spending FY 2013: 
$5.1 Billion 
Overweight/Obese Adults:
Poor Mental Health among Adults: 
Medicaid Expansion: 

Cigna Accountable Care Program - Boulder Community Hospital Community Medical Associates

Cigna and doctors affiliated with Boulder Community Hospital’s Community Medical Associates  have launched a collaborative accountable care initiative to improve patient access to health care, enhance care coordination, and achieve the “triple aim” of improved health, affordability and patient experience. The program will benefit approximately 4,500 individuals covered by a Cigna health plan who receive care from among over 80 Community Medical Associates primary care physicians and specialists.

Enhanced Personal Health Care Program - Colorado

As part of its commitment to quality and affordable health care in Colorado, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is now working under value-based arrangements that promote patient-centered care with more than one-third of the primary care providers across the state. Anthem launched Enhanced Personal Health Care in Colorado in early 2013 with some of its larger physician organizations, and since then has contracted under this new type of arrangement with more than 1,100 physicians from approximately 250 primary care practices, providing primary care services to more than 160,000 Anthem members

PCMH Data Certifies Proof of Concept

Data collected from 11 states strongly suggests that the question to ask about the patient-centered medical home model is not whether it reduces healthcare costs and improves outcomes, but how well.

Forgive me for preaching to the choir, but another round-up of studies released this week re-confirms what we already know: Patient-centered medical homes improve health outcomes and reduce costs.

In fact, the question is no longer "will they work?" Evidence increasingly settles that question. Now the questions center around just how effective PCMHs can be in reducing costs and improving outcomes.

News Author: 
John Commins

New Report Finds Medical Homes Are Reducing Health Care Costs, Utilization, and Improving Health

A review of the year’s academic and industry-generated PCMH evaluations finds significant impact across a number of clinical and financial outcomes.

Embargoed Until Monday, January 13th, 4PM

PCPCC: Michelle Shaljian, 347-754-1692,

Milbank: Tara Strome, 212-355-8400,

New Report Finds Medical Homes Are Reducing Health Care Costs, Utilization, and Improving Health

State Medicaid ACO program sees double year-over-year savings

Colorado's experiment with accountable care in Medicaid has led to a second year of savings, and other states are taking note.

Colorado Medicaid achieved $44 million in gross savings or “cost avoidance” in its accountable care collaborative program during the 2012-2013 fiscal year, the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing announced.

Most of that $44 million is going back to providers and regional care organizations as performance incentive payments, but the state is taking a slice — $6 million, double what the state government saved last year.

News Author: 
Anthony Brino

Colorado Multi-Payer Patient-Centered Medical Home Pilot

Completed in June 2012, this 3-year project was one of the first multi-payer medical home pilots. The project involved 5 private health plans and the State's hig-risk pool carrier, Cover Colorado, who provided additional compensation to 16 primary care practices. All participating practices were required to achieve at least level 1 PCMH recognition by the National Committee for Quality Assurance. HealthTeamWorks provided support to practices on quality improvement and transformation to PCMH through individual coaching and learning collaboratives.


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