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U.S. Army Community Based Medical Homes

Program Location: 
Washington, DC
Payer Type: 

In the Community Based Medical Home, the healthcare team develops a comprehensive care plan as soon as the patient enrolls and then proactively engages the patient as a partner in care. This face-to-face encounter build trust, improves communication, and lays the groundwork for providing continuous care. As part of the Army's commitment to improved access, the Community Based Medical Homes offer a broader range of access options: group visits, enhanced telephone communication and web-based communication.

Solider Centered Medical Homes (SCMH):

The SCMH is for active duty Soldiers and its mission is to improve and enhance individual and unit medical readiness by utilizing the PCMH multidisciplinary health care team approach. An integrated and coordinated focus to ensure timely, accurate diagnoses, optimized return-to-duty rates and decreased Soldier recovery times. The SCMH integrates unit medical personnel with MTF personnel to provide one synchronized effort. Soldier Centered Medical Homes are located in or near a brigade.

The PCMH Model deploys the use of a daily huddle concept. The huddle is to discuss staffing, patients scheduled for the next 72 hours, visit preparation, transition of care such as patients who may have been released recently from the hospital, and clinic preparation for patients scheduled that day. The huddle is an effective method of communication for the health care team which includes the Primary Care Manager, Core Team and Leadership.

Last updated Maggio 2014
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