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School-Based Health Center Improvement Partnership (SHCIP) - Colorado

Program Location: 
Denver, CO
Payer Type: 
Partner Organizations: 
Department of Public Health and Environment

Colorado and New Mexico formed an Interstate Alliance of School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) to integrate school-based health care into a medical home approach to improve the health care of underserved school-aged children and adolescents. Colorado and New Mexico also plan to utilize SBHCs to improve the delivery of care within the school setting and to improve screening, preventive services, and management of chronic conditions. The goal will also be to educate adolescents to encourage more involvement in their own health care, and follow-up with primary care providers. The demonstration will also focus on the integration of mental health with primary care.

As of February, 2013, the Colorado SHCIP Team has enrolled seven SBHCs, six in rural communities from the West Slope to the Eastern Plains, and one in the Denver metro area.

For more information, see the AHRQ Evaluation Report released in May of 2014. 

Payment Model: 

Over five years, CMS will provide $7.8 million to Colorado and New Mexico to support this work.  The project ends in February, 2015.

Last updated Giugno 2014
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