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Delivery of Behavioral Health Services in Primary Care Using Telehealth

Program Location: 
Los Angeles, CA
Payer Type: 
Partner Organizations: 
UCLA/RAND Prevention Research Center
UCLA Center fro Health Services and Society
Northeast Valley Health Corporation

Children's Discovery and Innovation Institute at Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA  has been funded to integrate developmental, behavioral, and mental health services into pediatric primary care using a telehealth model that will be tested with children in low income, urban communities. A patient-centered model for telehealth has the potential to transform DB/MH services by integrating them into primary care. If DB/MH specialty providers are able to deliver services remotely to many sites from a central location, large numbers of children across multiple small, but conveniently located, primary care clinics can gain ready and sustainable access to DB/MH providers. One of the key strengths of this project will be the emphasis on the partnership between UCLA researchers, the community clinics and the families to develop and test this strategy to bring behavioral health services into the primary care setting using live videoconferencing visits. 

Patient outcomes that are being tested: (1) access, (2) quality (timeliness, family-centeredness, coordination, parent experiences of care), (3) parent satisfaction, (4) child DB/MH clinical outcomes, and (5) child's quality of life.

Last updated Aprile 2019
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