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CMS Health Care Innovation Award: Atlantic General Hospital Corporation

Program Location: 
Snow Hill, MD
Payer Type: 

Atlantic General Hospital Corporation, which serves largely rural Worcester County, Maryland, is receiving a grant to improve care for Medicare beneficiaries with either a primary or admitting diagnosis of congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or diabetes, who currently rely on high cost ER visits and Acute Care admissions. The corporation plans to expand infrastructure and create a Patient‐Centered Medical Home, increasing access for patients needing non‐emergency episodic care and reducing hospital admission rates and emergency department visits for these Medicare beneficiaries.  Over a three‐year period, Atlantic General Hospital Corporation will create three new jobs and train 75 workers. New hires will include a patient care manager, a patient advocate, and a care team coordinator.

Last updated Giugno 2014
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